
Pascale Benéteau's toolsPascale Benéteau has always been touched by Art and it is only natural that one day Art should encounter her.

Self-taught painter and sculptor, Pascale Benéteau does not belong to any main stream and has no particular artistic influences. She works on instinct. Her paintings are uncluttered. Her sculptures soothe us, move us or amuse us. A mix of force and fragility …

Each work has it’s own story, it’s development, the continual questioning on how to find the ultimate harmony. Each time it is a leap into the unknown.

Pascale Benéteau has lived in Africa, India, Denmark and Japan, and it is from this background that she draws her inspiration.

Today she lives and works in Normandy


2022 François Pompon Prize and Honorary Member of the François Pompon Association – 21 Saulieu France

2018 1st Prize of the Departmental Council of Val d’Oise – France

2016 Silver Medal and Member of the Salon National des Beaux Arts – Paris France

2012 Honorary citizen of the village of Giverny 27 France – Author of the Logo of Giverny

Pascale Benéteau's tools


– Studio in Vernon (near Giverny)  By appointment +33 (0)6 60 22 67 11 & open workshop days.
Galerie Medicis – Besançon (Permanent exhibition)
– Galerie P. Vasseur – Orléans (Permanent exhibition)
Hangar des Arts – Magny en Vexin (Permanent exhibition)
– Biennale de sculptures contemporaines en Bourgogne – Nolay from June 29th til July 7th,2024. 1st PRIZE OF CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURES.
– François Pompon museum – Saulieu, Côte d’Or on September 21st, 2024 (Donation of a bronze entitled “Matouvu”  to the museum).


– Galerie MEDICIS – Besançon (Permanent exhibition)
Studio in Vernon (near Giverny) By appointment +33 (0)6 60 22 67 11 & open workshop days.
Gallery Philippe Heim – Bruxelles – Belgique (Permanent exhibition)
– Hangar des Arts – Magny en Vexin Feb.11th to April 16th, 2023.
– François Pompon Museum – Saulieu Côte d’Or – (Personal exhibition Prize François Pompon) April 1st to May 30th,     2023.
– Gallery Philippe Heim – Brussels (Personal exhibition) April 13th to May 5th, 2023.
– ANTICA Bruxelles – Tour et Taxis Brussels – Belgium from April 19th to 23rd, 2023.
– NAG (Not-a-Gallery) Rue de Longchamp Paris from June 1st til July 15th, 2023
– PROMENARTS – l’Ile de Ré, La Baule, L’isle sur la Sorgue (Permanent exhibition)
– Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94


– Galerie MEDICIS – Besançon (Permanent exhibition)
Studio in Vernon (near Giverny) By appointment +33 (0)6 60 22 67 11 & open workshop days.
Gallery Philippe Heim – Brussels – Belgique (Permanent exhibition)
– Le PAD, Galerie Philippe Heim – Les Tuileries Paris 1er
– Galerie Médicis – Besançon  from June 10th to July 31st, 2022 (Personal exhibition)
– David Shepherd Wildlife foundation – London from September 1st to October 2nd, 2022 (Shortlisted)
– OFI Asset Management – 22 rue Vernier – 75017 PARIS  From September 20th to November 4th, 2022 (Personal exhibition)
SAB EXPO Brussels Belgium – PRIZE FRANÇOIS POMPON – Honorary member of the Association François       Pompon
ANTICA Fine art fair – Namur, Belgium – From November 19th to 27th, 2022


– Galerie MEDICIS – Besançon (Permanent exhibition)
– Galerie L’ESPACE  – Dijon (Permanent exhibition)
Le Jardin des plumes  – Giverny- France (Permanent exhibition)
Gallery Philippe Heim – Brussels – Belgium (Permanent exhibition)
– BRAFA – Tour & Taxis – Brussels – Belgium – CANCELLED – virtual exhibition
– Le PAD, Galerie Philippe Heim – Les Tuileries Paris 1er – CANCELLED
– Passage Verdeau – Galerie Philippe Heim – Paris  – July 2021
– SAB EXPO Brussels Belgium
– Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94
– Passage Verdeau Paris – Galerie Philippe Heim – December 2021


Le Jardin des plumes  – Giverny – France (Permanent exhibition)
– Galerie Philippe Heim  – Brussels – Belgium (Permanent exhibition)
– BRAFA – Tour & Taxis – Brussels Belgium
– Le PAD, Galerie Philippe Heim – les Tuileries, Paris 1er – CANCELLED
Salon des Antiquaires, Galerie Philippe Heim – Dijon – CANCELLED
– Gallery MEDICIS – Besançon (Permanent exhibition)
– Gallery L’ESPACE – Dijon (Permanent exhibition)
SAB EXPO Brussels Belgium
Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94CANCELLED


– Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Le PAD, Galerie Philippe Heim – les Tuileries, Paris 1er
Le Jardin des plumes  Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
Galerie Bénédicte Giniaux, Bergerac (Permanent exhibition)
– Salon Nautique – Le vieux port – Cannes
– SAB EXPO Brussels Belgium
– Salon de Pontoise des Arts et des Multimédias  (SPAM) Pontoise 95 (Guest of honor)
– Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94
– Salon National des Beaux Arts (SNBA) Carrousel du Louvres Paris 1er
– Galerie Philippe Heim  Brussels – Belgium(Permanent exhibition)


– Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Le PAD, Galerie Philippe Heim – les Tuileries, Paris 1er
Le Jardin des plumes  Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
Gallery Bénédicte Giniaux, Bergerac (Permanent exhibition)
– SAB EXPO Bruxelles Belgium
– Salon de Pontoise des Arts et des Multimédias  (SPAM) Pontoise 95
(Prix du Conseil Départemental du Val d’Oise)

– Salon National des Arts Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94
– Salon National des Beaux Arts (SNBA) Carrousel du Louvres Paris 1er


– Giverny 27 (Exposition permanente)
Le Jardin des plumes  Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– SAB EXPO Bruxelles Belgium
– Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94
– Salon National des Beaux Arts (SNBA)- Carrousel du Louvres – Paris 1er
– Gallery Bénédicte Giniaux, Bergerac (Permanent exhibition)


– Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
Le Jardin des plumes  Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Salon de l’Ecole Francaise, Eglise de la Madeleine Paris 8 (Guest of honor)
– Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94
– Salon National des Beaux Arts (SNBA) – Carrousel du Louvres – Paris 1er Silver medal – sculpture


–  Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Gallery Monod Paris 15e
– Salon d’Automne Paris 8e
– Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94


–  Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Gallery Gavart Paris 8e (Permanent exhibition)
– Gallery Art d’Amand 92 Bois Colombes (Permanent exhibition)
– Salon National des Artistes Animaliers (SNAA) de Bry/Marne 94


–  Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Gallery Gavart Paris 8 ème (Permanent exhibition)
– Château de la Roche Guyon 95
– Château de Bizy 27
– Biennale de sculpture animalière de Rambouillet – 78
– Solo exhibition Crédit Agricole Ile de France – Magny en vexin 95


– La Galerie. – Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Gallery Gavart Paris 8 ème (Permanent exhibition)
– Eglise de la Madeleine Paris 8 – Salon de l’Ecole française
 Author of the logo for the town of  Giverny – “Honorary citizen” of the municipality of Giverny


– Salon de Printemps – Villers-en-Arthies 95
– Château des Tourelles – Plessis Trevise 94 – (Public acquisition)
– La Galerie. – Giverny 27 (Permanent exhibition)
– Château de la Corniche – Rolleboise 78


– Cormeille en Vexin 95
– St Martin la Garenne 95
– Gallery 60 Giverny
– Gallery Gavart Paris 8 ème
– Vienne-en-Arthies 95
– 54ème salon des Arts – Taverny 95
– Salon des Arts –  << Propos d’Artistes >>  Morainvilliers 78
– Bréval 78 – 1st prize  sculpture
– Art en Capital – Salon des Artistes Français – Grand Palais Paris 8ème


– 6ème  salon de Printemps – Villers en Arthies 95
– 16ème  << Rencontres Artistiques >>  – Cormeilles en Vexin 95
– La Chapelle St Jacques – Mantes la Jolie 78
– Vienne en Arthies  95 –  1st prize sculpture
– 53ème salon des Arts  –  Taverny 95
– Salon des Arts –  << Propos d’Artistes >>  Morainvilliers 78
– Art en Capital – salon des Artistes Français – Grand Palais Paris 8ème
– 16ème salon National d’Arts –  Franconville 95


– 52ème salon des arts – Union Artistique – Taverny 95 – Golden medal, 1st  prize sculpture.
– Solo exhibition – Bulle (Switzeland)


– Vienne en Arthies 95
– salon d’Automne – Château de Jambville – Jambville 78
– 51ème salon des Arts – Taverny 95
– 5ème salon de Printemps – Villers-en-Arthies 95


– Vienne en Arthies 95 – 1st prize painting
– Rencontre d’Artistes – Epone 78
– Salon d’Automne – Château de Jambville – Jambville 78


– Solo exhibition Tokyo (Japon).